Catalysts PERMACURE AS 10, AS 20, AS 30 are designed for curing resins of the PERMACURE AS series.
PERMACURE AS catalysts provide different curing rates, they can be added directly to the mixture, or they can be premixed with part 1 of the resin before being fed into the mixer.
Application: PERMACURE AS is suitable for a wide range of castings and applications. The flexibility of the system allows to cure the mixture from 1 minute to 1.5 hours using various hardeners.
Handling Precautions:
Catalysts PERMACURE AS contain components that can be dangerous if mishandled. Avoid contact with eyes and skin, wear protective clothing. Review the appropriate safety data sheet to ensure that the procedures for handling the catalyst are known and understood.
Storage:Catalysts PERMACURE AS should be stored at a temperature of 0 C … 30 C in a ventilated room.
Packaging: 25, 50 and 200 litre drums.